Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Danger of AI

Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking are warning us that AI will be the end of humanity. Others argue that machines lack emotions, therefore they are not dangerous.
Now, for the facts:
·       Machines already are more intelligent and effective than any human in a lot of fields and they will steal all our jobs in a short period.
·       Singularity and other forms of intelligent machines are science fiction. At least for now. November 2017. Next month I am not sure.
·       AI is not emotions even not intuition – it is just statistics. If the price of the apartments in this area is x dollars, then this apartment probably can be sold for x dollars. That’s it. It doesn’t matter if the methods are – classification or regression, supervised, unsupervised or reinforced – we are talking about knowledge and probabilities. The whole thing is based on analysis of a lot of data and parameters. A lot, that’s what makes them super intelligent.
Machines are not dangerous to the humanity they are dangerous to people.
Because machines don’t possess emotions, because of the fact it is just statistics and data they are dangerous. Those statistics are based on the reality as we know it. And the reality is racist, homophobe and discriminates women. The machines will augment it. Exponentially.
That is the danger.
When I was in jail in Israel there were a majority of Arabs, a lot of Oriental Jews and some Ashkenakies.
Put this in an AI machine and the result will be immediate: Arabs are bad, Oriental Jews are suspicious and Ashkenazies are good.
The Israelis will put this kind of logic in a drone and the drone will start killing a lot of Arabs.
Machines will be biased by our reality and will serve the dominant classes.
I don’t see machines destroying the humanity but I see a very dark near future reality.